Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

 Of Playing Video Games : Good or Bad ?

I. Introduction
   Thesis statement: However, the same case does not apply for violent video games.

II. Body
     A. Opposing Argument 1
               Oppenent of the effects of violent video games are as varried as the number of the games.
          Rebutal to argument 1
            1. One effect that is common with all of them is their addiction this can be a trible thing because a child night not do any productive activity whenever at home.
               2. Just for the  purpose of playing a violent game.
     B. Opposing Argument 2
               Opponents of another effet that has caused ripples among parent and the society in general is the posible violent behavior in kids who play such games.
          Rebutal to Argument 2
                Controled experiment place little emphasis on this relantionship.
      C. Opposing Argument 3
                Opponents of there is also an observation regarding these games and their players where children who are natulary agresive prever playing this type of games to another.
           Rebuttal to Argument 3
                  Some physyiological effect include an increase of both heart rate and brain activity.
     D. Own Point of View
                 It has also been observed that violent displayed on television such as in action movies or news chence of leading to violence in children.

III. Conclusion

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