Selasa, 29 Mei 2018

         The number of people who smoke have increase over the years as pupolar saying to go by smoking is dangerous to your heatly but why does it seem that many people are still smoking? smokig in the inhalation of goes and hydrocarbon vapors generated by sloely burning tobacco in cingarrette. the chemicals in cigarrets and tobacco smoke make smoking harmful. cigarrette contain over 4.000 different chenimals, at least so are known to be cancinogens and many are pogonoud. in lieu with this i belive that smoking should be banned in public places in the philippines due to the negative effect and disease it cause to the enviromrnt. Altough some wokers belive that the smoke could increase the spirit of in work. I believe that sometimes became habbit of bad to work.
           Many people smoke because smoking make then relax lesson stress and improve concentration. people would smoke before exams or during office breaks. it help them care up with the different situation and gives them confidence. some people do it when they feel bored smoking gives people a feeling.
         Many workers/teenagers stars smoking due to peer prosure they feel the need to do that in order to be cool of feel more mature because smoking in part of socializing as well. many people who smoke do it as way to interact with friend at partiens for some it is a perfect combanation to liquars and beers during night on or bording session.
        The last smoking affects the population in many ways. It affects smokers healty and control theirs smoking habbit and use of time and the spiring cost or tobacco makes it an expensive pastime. children exposed to secondhand smoke have increased risks ao sudden infort death syndromrmiddle ear infection, asthma, phenumonis and bronchitis.
         However, despite the positive sentation, associated with smoking. The argumentative agains if are strong. smoking is proven to be harmful to healty. many drases are associated with it. Anyone with smoking habbit has a hisker percentage of having lung and often types of cancer: respinatory drases such as emphysema asthma and chronic bronchitis and cardio vacular dieses, such as heart attack hight bload pleasure, stoke, and atheresilersis. smoking also can demage fertility and importance to some men. the world healty organization who has estimated that tobacco cosumtions kill to philippiness every hour, due to the diases brought on by cigarette smoking. Non-Smoking are also exposed.

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